Monday, February 6, 2017

The Hidden Figures in Successful Groups

This week, I really wanted to focus on the article we read, "The Secret to Smart Groups: It's Women". The article was about some scientists from MIT who did a study on what makes a group smart, and believed that the "c factor" (or collective intelligence) was what makes a group successful. However, they found that the true identifier of a cohesive team is something they called "average social sensitivity". Basically what this means is that people who can read non-verbal cues tend to make better team members, and the scientists found that women are actually much better at this than men.

This article made me think about the recent movie that came out called Hidden Figures. Here is the trailer, in case you don't remember what it's about:

This film showed a number of teams that were successful because of the women that were involved with them. In particular, there was a scene where one of the women taught the rest of her team how to code because it was the upcoming advancement. Once the new computers were installed in NASA, her team was the only one who knew how to program those computers. I just really enjoyed this article because it talked about a special skill that women have that gives them the edge when it comes to being an effective team member. Hooray for women!

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